Elle Sera | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Elle Sera | 0 Fan!

Un suo video su youtube

With soul and honesty, Elle Sera’s convergence of grit and grace separates her from so many singer-songwriters of today. With pure emotion and intention–all pouring out of a barely 5’ frame– it's a true wonder to experience the size of her voice faceted with texture, power and deliberate sensitivity.

A graduate of NYU and veteran of the Broadway professional arena, Elle’s musings and inspiration makes tangible her perspective in a way that draws the listener closer, hanging on every word and note.

Employing an amalgamation of genres as influence, there seems to be no end to what she'll explore. Her doing so with authenticity, soul and passion will remind you that this is what music is about; connecting and inspiring us, engaging and putting us in touch with the parts of ourselves that yearn to feel.

Come e dove seguire l'artista Elle Sera

Genere Musicale

- Indie rock - Blues


- Cantautrice - Chitarra

Elle Sera

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

Playlist Spotify

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